Particle impact noise detection

VZERO has successfully delivered in SPAIN a P.I.N.D (Particle Impact Noise Detection) testing system from Spectral Dynamics; one of VZERO’s proudly distributed companies in Spain.


The supplied system gives users a simple, reliable, and inexpensive method of Particle Impact Noise Detection (PIND) testing to increase the reliability of electronic components.

This non-destructive high frequency acoustic test monitors for loose particles moving inside high reliability internal cavity electronic components such as relays, transistors, hybrids, integrated circuits, and switches – particles that have the potential of causing short circuits and serious malfunctions in system operations.

A shaker is used to excite loose particles within the component cavity. Upon striking the lid of the cavity part of the particle energy is converted to a wide band pressure wave that travels through the lid and is detected by the sensitive ultrasonic sensor to which the device under test is attached. To keep the particle moving a very accurate shock, generated internal to the shaker and feedback controlled by electronics monitoring the motion of the sensor is employed.